Discovering the Leduc Region from YOUR point of view!
Alberta has been breaking records for cold temperatures lately, but that hasn’t stopped some from getting out and discovering!
The stories of people who live and visit here are just as important as the Leduc Region’s must-see spots – that’s why we love sharing how you discover our beautiful region! Whether it’s a great photo you recently snapped, a story about a local adventure you went on, or a new spot you found, we want to know about it … and we aren’t the only ones!
Keep reading for experiences recently submitted from visitors & residents alike …

Nature around Leduc
“The weather outside may be cold, but the snow in the ditches around Leduc is deep and perfect for snowshoeing. The cold temperatures also create an opportunity to explore a side of nature that is Canadian to the core.”
> Craig Price (IG – capturedby_craig)

Sunshine Skating in Leduc
“Learning to skate with Daddy at Telford Lake.”
> Chantell Kipp (IG – CBBKipp)

Not Minding the Cold in Leduc County
“Nothing like a frosty December snowshoe with your pup to get you in the mindset of colder days. Toby and I will take any time to get outside, even -30 and I love the fact that he is up for any adventure in any weather with me. There are so many places to explore, things to see and, for him, things to smell that staying inside is just not an option. This day, was a tad windy and chilly but in the trees you’d never know, and chasing a dog, how could you be cold – you can’t. Here’s to more outdoor pup adventures!”
> Cass (IG – cahewtt_)

Finding the Birds Near Devon
“So many happy chickadees, even in -41C at Clifford E. Lee Nature Sanctuary.”
> Roxanne Persson (IG – faithroxy)

Nordic Skiing near Devon
“Set ski tracks and snowshoe trails in Bunchberry in great shape…BUT…very cold weather skiing is NOT for the inexperienced. Instead, as temps get warmer and nearer to -20C over the next few days, try it out and learn. ring a friend. Stay within 1 km of trailhead until you learn what works and what stays too cold. Great stories, though! Enjoy our gorgeous winter forest and trails, with a big dose of careful planning.”
> Michael Sullivan (via Devon Nordic Ski Club)

Looking for more local stories like these? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! We want to share YOUR adventures too – tag us @discoverleduc or use the hashtag #DiscoverLeducRegion in your next post for a chance to be featured!
Want to see more stunning shots of our beautiful region? Click HERE to view our fan-submitted photo gallery!