Discovering the Leduc Region from YOUR point of view!
It’s not just attractions and experiences that make the Leduc Region unique – it’s the people who live and visit here that matter too. We love seeing what you’ve seen and sharing how YOU Discover Leduc Region! Whether it’s a stunning photo you took, a delicious meal you enjoyed, or an adventure you went on, we want to know about it – and we aren’t the only ones!
Keep reading for stories recently submitted from visitors and residents alike…

Snowshoe Adventures with the Family
“My family takes pride in the fact that every year, we get out at least one day where the temperature is colder than -30°C. We strapped on our snowshoes, and VENTURED out to the Highway 19 ravine… It’s like you’re out in the mountains, while still being close to home. It may be cold, but the days are getting longer – we ADVENTURED for about 2 hours, and enjoyed a prairie sunset together as a family.“
– Nancy St. Hilaire (IG – @musicalnursynurse)
Winter Walks in the Country
“I was so fortunate to be able to visit the dairy farm in Leduc County I grew up on over Christmas. For the entire month of December, I challenged myself to get off the couch and take a walk outside to enjoy the sun and FRESH AIR. As I was walking along the gravel road in the country that morning, the WHITE FIELDS and BIG BLUE SKIES spanning off into the distance did not disappoint.”
– Antonia Deboer (IG – @antonia__db)
Braving the Cold to Watch Dancing Auroras
“Our family loves to live a life of ADVENTURE… Even though we can’t travel very far right now, we still found beauty right here in Leduc County, Alberta. It may have been -40 outside, but that didn’t stop this family from enjoying the dancing lights of the Aurora Borealis in our backyard.”
– Chantalle Kipp (IG – @albertaadventurerfamily)
Family Projects on the Farm
“My husband Stephen and I, along with our 3 kids, live just west of Calmar. I was heading to our barn to feed our two goats (we got them as a wedding present over 8 years ago) and was admiring the contrast between our RED BARN and the WHITE SNOW. We have been slowly painting and refinishing our barn – it used to be green, burgundy, and white. We painted it red 4 years ago, and then this summer I finally got around to painting the white trim (or at least the trim I could reach). I’m so proud of how much better the barn looks now, it’s been a fun FAMILY PROJECT to work on.”
– Sharleen Martin (IG – @wheremylovegrows)
Northern Lights in the Night
“There is nothing more breathtaking than finding a quiet spot to gaze up and admire the night sky… Especially when the AURORAS are putting on a show. I’ve been photographing the NORTHERN LIGHTS since 2012, and they continue to amaze me every time I’m lucky enough to see them DANCING in the night.”
– Roxanne Persson (IG – @faithroxy)
Horses and Range Roads
“I journeyed out to EXPLORE some roads in Leduc County I had never driven before. The whole region was covered in the most amazing rime ice – everywhere you looked, everything was covered in a layer of gorgeous ice crystals. I found a pair of horses hanging out near a lightly-used range road, right in front of a stand of poplar trees. The color and texture of the bark beautifully contrasted ICE-COVERED BRANCHES and the slight fog in the air. It wasn’t a particularly cold day – the HORSES seemed very comfortable. I love the blue blanket draped over the white horse. It was such a peaceful, welcoming scene. I love the fact that, while I had not been down this road before and was exploring a place new to me, to the folks that live here, it’s their home. I’m sure they would know every fencepost, every woodlot, every intersection, intimately.”
– Mike Norton (IG – @nort13)
River Valley Adventures with Rocky
“My dog’s name is Rocky – he’s five years old and this was his first ADVENTURE in the river valley! My fiancé and I wanted to enjoy the fresh air, check out some trails we don’t normally visit, and show our dog how awesome the river valley is… All of us had such a great time.”
– Lauren Harvey (IG – @harveyl12)
Looking for more local stories like these? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! We want to share YOUR experiences too – tag us in your next post or use the hashtag #DiscoverLeducRegion for a chance to be featured across our social media and website!