Discovering the Leduc Region from YOUR point of view!
Hearing about how YOU Discover the Leduc Region serves as the best reminder of why our region is so remarkable. Whether it’s a story about a recent outdoor adventure, a neat spot you found, a delicious meal, or a special moment you shared, we want to know about it – and we aren’t the only ones!
Keep reading to learn more about what people like YOU – visitors + residents alike – have been up to in the Leduc Region…

River Valley Adventures
“I took the afternoon off from work – my son was finished his online classes for the day, and he was already bugging me to play XBOX. Even though I had a mountain of stuff to get through, the sun was shining and it was like summer in December. So we put on our long johns & coats, mittens & toques, and headed out to Prospectors Point in Devon. My son wasn’t overly impressed to be brought along on this little outing (because, you know, hanging with mom is just not ideal at his age). I couldn’t help but take a million pictures of the sun & sky & river – it was all so beautiful! We walked along the river as far as we could, then headed back up the hill… the views from the top of the trail made the climb worth it. By the end of our ADVENTURE, my son had a huge smile on his face, and had to admit sometimes mom has good ideas too.“
– Christine Altstadt (IG – @sunrise_7292)

Snowshoeing with the Family
“Our family lives in Leduc County, just south of Rollyview. My husband and I love to snowshoe across the fields that surround our acreage – it’s so BEAUTIFUL and PEACEFUL. Now, we have a one month old son to join us in this winter tradition. This was his first ADVENTURE out.“
– Chelsey Quirk (IG @cbquirk)

Telford Lake Bike Trails
“Winter can still be fun, even during times during times like these. You don’t have to be cooped up inside your house. EXPLORE your community, go on a local outdoor ADVENTURE – that’s what we did. We took the fat bikes out and decided to check out the trails around Telford Lake. By the end of winter, we’ll have the trail system figured out, and it’ll be better for the bikers of Leduc because of it.”
– Austin Sheppard (IG – @austinshepps_photo)

Fresh Snowfall on the Farm
“I was taking my dog for our daily walk around the farm after a fresh dump of snow. It’s crazy how different even the most familiar of sceneries can look during winter. I just had to grab my camera and try to capture the natural BEAUTY of the frost-covered trees and fresh blanket of snow.”
– Janet Stamper (IG – @janet.stamper)

Early Morning Explorations
“Every morning, I wake up shortly before 5:00 AM to walk around my neighborhood and take pictures. This early ADVENTURE was an especially chilly one… the hoar frost was out in full force. I was amazed how even the most familiar of settings could look so different with a fresh coat of ice. Being able to watch the rising sun dance and sparkle on the frost made this particular outing well worth the trip.”
– Christine Altstadt (IG – @sunrise_7292)

Lazy Sunday Drives
“Sometimes the simplest moments end up being the most beautiful ones… You head out for a lazy Sunday drive, no destination in mind, armed with nothing but a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Then you DISCOVER a neat spot you weren’t even searching for, and the world rewards you with some well-deserved peace & quiet.”
– Roxanne Persson (IG – @faithroxy)

Taking Pictures in a Winter Wonderland
“In my eyes, every tree has a STORY to tell… For as long as I can remember, I have always had an immense love for these majestic beauties. This particular shot was taken out on my best friend’s farm. We had a large snowfall the night before, and woke up to this WINTER WONDERLAND the next morning! I am so happy I could capture this beautiful sight for others to enjoy.”
– Brandi LaPlante (IG – @capturedbybrandibee)

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