Discovering the Leduc Region from YOUR point of view!
Spring has officially sprung, and people like YOU have been making the most of what our beautiful region has to offer!
Attractions and experiences make the Leduc Region unique, but stories shared by the people who live and visit here are just as important. We love seeing what you’ve seen and sharing how YOU Discover Leduc Region! Whether it’s a great shot you captured, a fun activity you recently participated in, or a new place to explore, we want to know about it – and we aren’t the only ones!
Keep reading for stories recently submitted from visitors and residents alike…

Outdoor Adventures in the Devon River Valley
“The sun was shining, the weather was warm, and my (nearly) 4 year-old twins & I needed an OUTDOOR ADVENTURE. Living in SW Edmonton, we wanted to find a new spot further south along the river…So instead of diving deeper into the city, we ended up at Devon Voyageur Park! We didn’t really plan where we were going… We knew there was a playground somewhere in the area, but ended up completely missing it and at the Legs of Fire Staircase instead. All the trees, especially by the stairs, helped us feel a bit like we were far away from the city – it even seemed a bit like we were in the mountains! The kids would tell anybody that would listen about their new bike helmets, which came in handy when we found the bike park on the way back. The entire family slept well that night after a much-needed day outside!”
– Murray Kowalczyk (IG – @seemurrayrun)
Northern Lights in Voyageur Park
“Before moving here, I had never seen the NORTHERN LIGHTS. The auroras have been something I’ve always wanted to see, so I packed up my gear and headed over to VOYAGEUR PARK in Devon. The view was absolutely beautiful…It was well worth the wait to witness the northern lights DANCING IN THE SKY.“
– Mahir Tekin (IG – @tekin_mahir01)
Peaceful Strolls around Telford Lake
“I’m based out of Edmonton, but used to work in Leduc. I had just finished up my last day of work, and one of my colleagues wanted to catch up. I always wanted to visit TELFORD LAKE, and decided there was no time better than now to see what this part of Leduc had to offer. My friend and I took a walk around the lake on the boardwalk – it was beautiful. The water was CALM and SILENT as you would expect with a storm on the horizon. The farewell catch up, the nice weather, and a peaceful spot all combined to make this experience a LIFE-TIME MEMORY.“
– Syed Adeel Hussain (IG – sadeel_hussain)
Alleyway Artistry on Main Street Leduc
“I take photos to tell a story to the person who is viewing my shots, but sometimes the best stories result when the viewer’s imagination kicks in. This was taken at night on MAIN STREET LEDUC…Something about the alley spoke to me. I think the space between the two stores is intriguing, as are the lights hanging above; hopefully people looking at this shot can build a story in their minds after seeing it. After doing this shoot, I was inspired to take more photos in Leduc. My goal is to inspire people to see the ARTISTRY in out-of-the-way things, and how beautiful places like Leduc can be.“
– Coleton Kittle (IG – coletonkittle)
Country Roads & Train Tracks in Leduc County
“Sometimes, I like to take country roads home for a change of scenery. This was one of those quiet afternoons EXPLORING down a back road. The weather was a bit overcast, one of my favorite times to shoot actually, and really brought out some neat colours in the photo. Who else likes to take the long way home?“
– Brandi LaPlante (IG – capturedbybrandibee)
Springtime Explorations in the Country
“The kids and I were getting outside to enjoy the nice weather after they got home from school. We always love to EXPLORE and (RE)DISCOVER neat spots on our land. Normally, the creek is so high in spring time that we can’t get this close…It was fun to explore in places where normally couldn’t!“
– Sharleen Martin (IG – wheremylovegrows)
Looking for more local stories like these? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! We want to share YOUR experiences too – tag us in your next post or use the hashtag #DiscoverLeducRegion for a chance to be featured across our social media and website!
Want to see MORE great shots of our beautiful region taken by followers? Click HERE to view our fan-submitted photo gallery!